If you are feeling unsafe in the place where you are residing, or in a relationship, as well as getting help from local and national services, please also consider contacting the University, as we will be able to offer you additional advice and support.  
You may feel unsafe from family members or a partner or ex-partner. 
It can be hard to understand if the problems you are experiencing are abuse and this can be a barrier to seeking help. If you are concerned that you be experiencing domestic abuse and are not sure what to do, please speak to one of our services so that we can help you better understand what is happening and discuss the support options available with you.
  • Are you in immediate danger? If you are in immediate danger or seriously injured, you can contact the emergency services on 999 (or 112 from a mobile phone) 
  • Find a safe space.  If an incident has just happened try and find somewhere you feel safe.

  • Report and Support. Students, staff and visitors can report an incident using the University’s Report and Support system. You can choose to do this anonymously or you can request support from an advisor. If you choose to talk to an advisor they will be able to talk through the options and support available to you. 
  • Student Support: Speak to Student Support Services such as your Campus Wellbeing Advisor or personal tutor. 
  • Police: If it is not an emergency, call 101 or visit non-emergency Police reporting website

Contact any of the following organisations to get help and advice about domestic abuse.

Freephone National Domestic Abuse Helpline, run by Refuge
0808 200 0247

Galop (for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people)
0800 999 5428

Live Fear Free helpline (Wales)
0808 80 10 800

Men’s Advice Line
0808 801 0327

Rape Crisis (England and Wales)
0808 802 9999

Respect phoneline
0808 802 4040

There are two ways you can tell us what happened