We believe that everyone has the right to live, work and study in a safe and inclusive environment. Recent media coverage has highlighted the increased reporting of incidents of drink spiking across the UK. 

This campaign running from 25 - 29 April 2022 is a collaboration between the University and the University of Law’s Students Union.  It aims to raise awareness on Drink spiking, equip us to be active bystanders and act against all forms of spiking. You'll get a chance to collect a free anti-spiking device, access resources and information as well as attend online talks and training. 

Online Training and Talks

Monday 25th April 1-3pm: Active Bystander Approach,  Graham Goulden -  Cultivating Minds UK
The bystander approach by Graham does not simply aim to teach others how to intervene.  It is an approach that is used to create much needed conversations around behaviour and social norms.  Removing the traditional ‘victim, perpetrator’ approach, Graham is able engage audiences in conversations which cover a variety of social issues.  The bystander approach used by Graham is a strategy to re-enforce the already existent pro-social norms that exist in society. Graham will be introducing the bystander approach within the context of Drink Spiking and staying safe at night. 

Wednesday 27th April 12-2pm:  Drink Spiking Truth or Myth. Talk & Group Discussion by Dawn Dines - Stamp Out Spiking 
A talk followed by a group discussion on the prevalence of drink spiking, what drink spiking is, which drugs are used, how predators target their victims, what the symptoms are and how to protect yourself from this heinous crime.

Campus Stands
We will be providing free anti-spiking devices and spiking awareness information across our University Campuses. You can find the schedule below.  Online students are welcome to attend their local campus or email safeandinclusivecampus@law.ac.uk for further assistance.

Further Information and Support

Please note some events will be recorded. Recordings will be kept for internal use only.
If you have any accessibility requirements, please contact safeandinclusivecampus@law.ac.uk

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